

For Men Only

For Men Only

Hello brothers. Are you tired of namby-pamby Christianity? Are you tired of feeling like going to church and being a Christian means giving up your man-card? Are you ready to man up? Are you tired of feeling like Jesus is supposed to be your boyfriend and instead want Him to be your Brother, your Captain, your King?

Then I’ve got a mission for you. Jesus isn’t asking for wimpy, girly-men. He’s asking for soldiers to enlist in His army. If you’re looking for a life that will challenge you from day one, look no further than the army of Jesus Christ. As a soldier enlisted in the Lord’s army, you’ll engage in a life faster and better than the men you see in the movies and on tv. You’ll experience things you never thought possible. You’ll go places most people only read about. You’ll learn your capabilities, sharpen your skills, and then push yourself to the limit. You’ll grow stronger, physically, mentally, spiritually. Though you will grow in humility, you will also feel a sense of pride you’ve never known. You will be part of something bigger than yourself, accomplishing more than you could imagine.

Jesus didn’t come to the earth so we could sit in pews, circle up, and hug each other. He came to start a world-changing kingdom. His goal was and is conquest. Of course, it is not a conquest that can be won with guns and grenades. But it is a mission that few of us have ever considered. For too many, church has become a game we play. But that was never Jesus’ intention. Christ’s church is a kingdom. We are its army. You are its soldier.

Look to your Brother, your Captain, your King. He was born in a rugged, dominated land. He grew up a carpenter, with hands working in wood. When called upon, He was able to drive out money-changers from the temple. He was dangerous to the status quo. He never took the easy route, and He never accepted lazy followers. He was sold out by friends. He was deserted by comrades. He was tortured by enemies without giving in. The deck was stacked against Him. It looked like His cause was lost. But He was victorious even over death. Breaking forth from the grave, He won the battle against Satan and became King of the nations of the world, ruling them with a rod of iron. And in the end, He won His beautiful bride who will live with Him forever.

How would you like to follow this Leader? How would you like to be even half the man He was? Jesus promised that His followers can become like their Leader (Matthew 10:25).

If this is something you’re interested in, then you don’t want to miss Simple Soldier. Next weekend, on August 2-3, Jim Boyd, former Blackhawk Pilot for the U.S. Army and presently on active duty in the Lord’s Army, will be leading us in four simple sessions to help us be soldiers of the King. Show up Friday, August 2, at 7 pm and Saturday, August 3, at 9:30 am. Find out what it means to be a man of God, a soldier of the King, a follower of the Christ.