

2012 in Review


2012 in Review

Many people are looking at the year in review. There will be newspaper and magazine articles, top news stories on tv, industry specific considerations. The year in technology review will no doubt remind us that a new iPhone came out and a new iPad, there were also several mediocre imitators of the iTechnology that were introduced this year (sorry, just had to get that dig in). The entertainment year in review will tell us about the great movies that came out like Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, and The Hobbit. No doubt there were great books, great songs, and great tv shows released as well (and some not so great). A year in review will look at all the newly elected officials and those that were allowed to continue in their office. Obviously, a year in review here will include that Peyton Manning moved and Andrew Luck came on board.

No doubt, many of us have our own year to review. For some of us that will include finally selling a house (YAY!!!!!). For others it will include still trying to sell a house. For some it will include making a move. For some, deciding not to move. For some it will include new jobs. For some it will include sickness and death of a loved one. For some it will include financial blessings. For others it will include financial setbacks. For some it will include many or all of these things.

As important as all of these things may be in their relative spheres, the bigger question is about our year of spirituality. When you review 2012, what has your walk with the Lord been like? Where is it today in comparison to this time last year?

Paul commends us to God and the Word of His grace in Acts 20:32. Have you been abiding in His Word? How much time have you spent reading, studying, and hiding His Word in your heart? I Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” How have you been doing at this? Are you praying more now than you used to? Are you depending on God in prayer, putting your hand in His as you start your days? The Hebrew writer encourages us to make assembling a priority in Hebrews 10:25. How is that going for you? Have you moved from making the “bare minimum” of assemblies and classes to making as many as you can? Have you moved from merely showing up to fully participating? In Acts 2:46, the early Christians spent a lot of time together outside of the assemblies, supporting one another, growing together, learning each other, and learning from each other. Have you grown in that? Have you moved from isolating and spending time on your own and with just your own family to connecting with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Have you begun supporting others and being supported by others?

Here’s a big one. Have you branched out and relied on the Lord to strengthen you to do something you didn’t think you could do? Have you invited someone to one of our assemblies? Have you offered to have a Bible study with someone? Have you signed up to assist in a Bible class or maybe even to teach one? Have you put together a Wednesday night invitation or a Lord’s Supper talk and asked for the opportunity to present it? Have you visited one of our shut-ins or someone in the hospital to pray with them? Have you simply asked someone how their walk with the Lord is going right now? Have you read your Bible out in public giving people the opportunity to see your light reflecting to Jesus?

What has 2012 been like for you? How’s your walk with the Lord going right now? Better? A good 2013 will begin with a good review of 2012. So in the midst of remembering all the other things that happened this year, take some time to review your 2012 spiritual growth and walk with the Lord.

—Edwin L. Crozier