

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 726 - 750 of 1895

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/09/15 Increasing Self Control - 1Co.9 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Increasing Virtue Sun AM 150809_Increasing_Self_Control.mp3
08/09/15 How to Encourage Others - He.10.24-25 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun PM 150809_How_to_Encourage_Others.mp3
08/02/15 Invalid Joshua Webber Sermon That You May Believe Sun AM 150802_AM_Invalid.mp3
08/02/15 The Many Pathways of Prayer Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 150802_PM_The_Many_Pathways_of_Prayer.mp3
07/26/15 Nicodemus Joshua Webber Sermon That You May Believe Sun AM 150726_AM_Nicodemus.mp3
07/26/15 Tools for Dads Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 150726_PM_Tools_for_Dad.mp3
07/19/15 The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength Daniel Degarmo Sermon N/A Sun AM 150719_AM_The_Joy_of_the_Lord_is_your_strength.mp3
07/19/15 Increasing Joy - Php.4 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Increasing Virtue Sun PM 150719_PM_Increasing_Joy.mp3
07/12/15 Increasing Patience - Jas.5.7-11 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Increasing Virtue Sun AM 150712_AM_Increasing_Patience.mp3
07/12/15 A Story About Hell - Lk.16 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun PM 150712_PM_A_Story_About_Hell.mp3
07/05/15 Increasing Humility - Lk.18 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Increasing Virtue Sun AM 150705_AM_Increasing_Humility.mp3
07/05/15 Nathaniel Joshua Webber Sermon That You May Believe Sun PM 150705_PM_That_You_May_Believe.mp3
06/28/15 Reconciled Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun AM 150628_Reconciled.mp3
06/28/15 Permission to Speak Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 150628_Permission_to_Speak.mp3
06/26/15 Scientist's Rational Choice: Christianity Thailer Jimerson Sermon VBS 2015 - Science and the Bible VBS 5_Scientists_rational_choice.pptx 150626_Scientists_Rational_Choice_Christianity.mp3
06/25/15 Science, Miracles and the Resurrection Thailer Jimerson Sermon VBS 2015 - Science and the Bible VBS 4_Sci_miracles_resurrection.pptx 150625_Science_Miracles_and_the_Resurrection.mp3
06/24/15 Science Alone is Insufficent Thailer Jimerson Sermon VBS 2015 - Science and the Bible VBS 3_Sci_alone_insufficient_-_moral.pptx 150624_Science_Alone_is_Insufficent.mp3
06/23/15 Science's Case for the Creator Thailer Jimerson Sermon VBS 2015 - Science and the Bible VBS 2_Sci_case_for_creator_-_fine_tuning.pptx 150623_Science_Case_for_the_Creator.mp3
06/22/15 Science & Christianity - Competition or Cooperation? Thailer Jimerson Sermon VBS 2015 - Science and the Bible VBS 1_Sci_and_Bib_competition.pptx 150622_Science_and_the_Faith_The_Conflict_-_Competition_or_Cooperation.mp3
06/21/15 Do's & Don'ts of Fatherhood - Ep.6.4 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 150621_AM_Dos__Donts_of_Fatherhood.mp3
06/21/15 Learning Peace - Php.4 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun PM 150621_PM_Learning_Peace.mp3
06/14/15 The Cruciform Life - 1Co.2.2 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 150614_AM_The_Cruciform_Life.mp3
06/14/15 The Challange of Forgiveness Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 150614_PM_The_Challange_of_Forgiveness.mp3
06/07/15 The Greatest Argument Against Christianity - Ro.2 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 150607_AM_The_Greatest_Argument_Against_Christianity.mp3
06/07/15 Gracious Speech - Co.4 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun PM 150607_PM_Gracious_Speech.mp3

Displaying 726 - 750 of 1895

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