

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 576 - 600 of 1895

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/11/16 Gifts of Grace Michael Eldrige Sermon N/A Sun AM 161211_AM_Gifts_of_Grace2.mp3
12/11/16 The Prodigal Son Chase Cleary Sermon N/A Sun PM 161211_PM_The_Prodigal_Son.mp3
12/04/16 Responsibility To Bear Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun AM 161204_Responsibility_To_Bear.mp3
12/04/16 Enough Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 161204_Enough.mp3
11/27/16 Parable of the Pencil Dan Barker Sermon N/A Sun AM 161127_AM_The_Parable_of_the_Pencil.mp3
11/20/16 GREATFUL - David's Prayer of Gratitude Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun AM 161120_AM_GREATFUL_-_Davids_Prayer_of_Gratitude.mp3
11/20/16 But Christ Chase Cleary Sermon N/A Sun PM 161120_PM_But_Christ.mp3
11/13/16 The Wise Youth - Proverbs Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 161113_AM_The_Wise_Youth.mp3
11/13/16 Who is Sufficient? Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 161113_PM_Who_Is_Sufficient.mp3
11/09/16 Who is Jesus to You and What are You Doing About it? Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 161109_Who_is_Jesus_to_You.wav
11/08/16 Abigail Among Fools Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 161108_Abigail_Among_Fools.mp3
11/07/16 David, Peter, and Me Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 161107_David_Peter_and_Me.mp3
11/06/16 Opened Eyes and Burning Heart Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 161106_Class_Opened_Eyes_and_Burning_Heart.mp3
11/06/16 Born Again By the Word of God Andy Cantrell Sermon Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting
11/06/16 Born Again By the Word of God Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 161106_AM_Born_Again_by_the_Word_of_God.mp3
11/06/16 A Covenant Like David's Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 161106_PM_A_Covenant_Like_Davids.mp3
10/30/16 Timely Repentance - Lk.13 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 161030_AM_Timely_Repentance.mp3
10/23/16 The Christian's Rebound - Mi.7 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 161023_The_Christians_Rebound.mp3
10/23/16 Beginning A Kingdom Joshua Webber Sermon N/A Sun PM 161023_Beginning_A_Kingdom.mp3
10/16/16 How Is Christianity Different Than Religion? - Mi.6 Thailer Jimerson Sermon N/A Sun AM 161016_How_Are_Christians_Different.mp3
10/16/16 Genesis Joshua Webber Workshop Evangelism Workshop Sun PM 161016_PM_Genesis.mp3
10/09/16 Lord Teach Us To Pray Bob Buchanon Sermon N/A Sun AM 161009_AM_Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray.mp3
10/02/16 Love Keeps us Together - 1Co.13 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Holding Together - 1 Cor. Sun AM 161002_AM_Love_Keeps_us_Together.mp3
10/02/16 Exodus and the Law Joshua Webber Workshop Evangelism Workshop Sun PM 161002_PM_Exodus_and_the_Law.mp3
09/25/16 Communion Keeps Us Together - 1Co.11 Thailer Jimerson Sermon Holding Together - 1 Cor. Sun AM 160925_AM_Communion_Keeps_Us_Together.mp3

Displaying 576 - 600 of 1895

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